Flower producer Cattleya manages employs 350 individuals, primarily from the nearby rural towns of Suesca and Sesquilé, providing them with a stable source of income, fair wages, well-being services, and professional development opportunities. Over 50% of Cattleya’s workforce are women who are the primary earners of their families.
NESsT and IKEA Social Entrepreneurship Extend South America Accelerator Partnership to Address Regional Inequality and Environmental Challenges
The NESsT Lirio Fund welcomes Cuencas del Huallaga, a cocoa cooperative using technology to prevent deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon
Targ Pietruszkowy: Celebrating a Decade of Impact in the Community
Our portfolio enterprise Targ Pietruszkowy is celebrating a decade of creating a positive impact in its local community. Targ works with around 140 small-farm holders, almost half of whom are women. For many, selling their organically grown produce at Targ Pietruszkowy is their main source of income.
Pomario’s Journey to Investment Readiness
Social Fund of the Year, Europe – NESsT’s Refugee Employment Initiative: Supporting Refugees to Access Quality Jobs
Supporting smallholder farmers who produce one third of the world's food
Environmental Fund of the Year, Latin America – NESsT’s Lirio Fund: Catalyzing Sustainable Enterprises in the Andes Amazon Basin
Kicking off the NESsT Refugee Employment Initiative
NESsT announces partnership with MetLife Foundation to catalyze sustainable enterprises in the Amazon
The MetLife Foundation is joining other donors, including Cisco, the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA), Erol Foundation, and Parceiros Pela Amazônia (PPA), among others, to support NESsT Amazonia. This new multi-year partnership between NESsT and the MetLife Foundation will accelerate sustainable forest conservation by catalyzing 10 Amazon-based enterprises.