Poland & the Baltics
In spite of Poland’s strong economic growth, many find it difficult to secure stable employment and reliable wages. Only 51% of young people under the age of 30 are economically active, with women, people living in rural areas, and people with disabilities especially affected.
NESsT’s investments in Poland focus on social enterprises that connect these potential workers with training and jobs in growth industries like technology, business process outsourcing and health care.
We’ve invested in 23 social enterprises in Poland.
dignified employment & income generation opportunities created
lives improved
As of December 31, 2022
See Our Work in Poland
Learn How NESsT Social Enterprises Fight Poverty in Poland
NESsT News in Poland
Our Supporters in Poland & the Baltics
Thanks to our incredible partners and donors who help us fight poverty and social exclusion in Poland.
Registry Office:
ul. Ksawerów 3
02-656 Warszawa
Correspondence address:
Fundacja NESsT Poland Skrytka Pocztowa 27. 02-035 Warszawa, UP65
e: poland[at]nesst.org
f: /nesstpl