The Andean Region

Countries in the Andean Region (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) have made great progress in reducing poverty in the last decade, yet millions still live below the poverty line. More than 20% of people face systemic challenges in gaining the skills and employment they need to overcome poverty, especially women, indigenous and isolated rural communities. While Peru and Colombia have the highest GDPs in the Andean region, they are also among the most unequal countries in the world.

NESsT’s investments in the Andean Region focus on social enterprises that incorporate innovative business models, technologies and sound environmental practices to bring jobs and greater income earning opportunities to the people who are most in need.


We’ve invested in 129 social enterprises across Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru.



dignified employment & income generation opportunities created

US$17 million



lives improved


As of December 31, 2022

See Our Work in Peru


Learn How NESsT Social Enterprises Fight Poverty in the Andean Region

Peru Portfolio.jpg

Are you ready to change the world with your social enterprise?

NESsT in Colombia

Discover our work supporting Colombian social enterprises


NESsT News in the Andes

The NESsT Team in the Andean Region

Our Supporters in the Andean Region

Thanks to our incredible partners and donors who help us fight poverty in the Andean Region.


Avenida Benavides 1944, Piso 09
Miraflores, Lima, Perú

p: +51 1 415 9487

e: peru[at]

f: /nesstperu